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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-24 16:52:03  浏览:9707   来源:法律资料网
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第一条 为了加强对出口货物原产地工作的管理,促进对外经济贸易的发展,制定本规则。
第二条 中华人民共和国出口货物原产地证明书(以下简称原产地证)是证明有关出口货物原产地为中华人民共和国的证明文件。#13第三条 国家对外经济贸易主管部门对全国出口货物原产地工作实施统一监督管理。
第四条 国家进出口商品检验部门设在地方的进出口商品检验机构、中国国际贸易促进委员会及其分会以及国家对外经济贸易主管部门指定的其他机构,按照国家对外经济贸易主管部门的规定签发原产地证。
第五条 在中华人民共和国境内依法设立,享有对外贸易经营权的企业,从事“来料加工”、“来样加工”、“来件装配”和“补偿贸易”业务的企业,外商投资企业,可以根据需要向本规则第四条规定的签发机构申请领取原产地证。
第六条 符合下列标准之一的出口货物,其原产地为中华人民共和国:
第七条 申请领取原产地证的出口货物,应当符合原产地标准;不符合原产地标准的,签发机构应当拒绝签发原产地证。
第八条 申请领取和签发原产地证的程序由国家对外经济贸易主管部门规定。
第九条 企业违反本规则,有下列行为之一的,国家对外经济贸易主管部门或者国家对外经济贸易主管部门根据省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外经济贸易主管部门的建议,可以区别情况通报批评、暂停直至取消其申请领取原产地证的资格:
第十条 签发机构违反规定签发或者拒绝签发原产地证的,国家对外经济贸易主管部门或者国家对外经济贸易主管部门根据省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外经济贸易主管部门的建议,可以区别情况通报批评或者暂停其原产地证签发权。
第十一条 普惠制原产地证依照普惠制给惠国原产地规则办理。
第十二条 国家对外经济贸易主管部门根据本规则制定实施办法。
第十三条 本规则由国家对外经济贸易主管部门负责解释。
第十四条 本规则自1992年5月1日起施行。

Rules of the People's Republic of China on the Origin of ExportGoods

(Promulgated on March 8, 1992)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
The Rules are formulated in order to strengthen the management of the
origin of export goods and promote the development of foreign economy and
Article 2
The certificate of origin for export goods (hereinafter referred to
as certificate of origin) of the People's Republic of China is a document
to certify that the relevant export goods are made or produced in the
People's Republic of China.
Article 3
The State Department in charge of foreign economic relations and
trade exercises the unified supervision and management of the origin of
export goods in the whole country.
The foreign economy and trade departments of the people's governments
of provinces, autonomous regions and cities under the direct
administration of the Central Government are responsible for coordinating
the work concerning the origin of export goods in their own administrative
Article 4
The State Administration for import and export commodities inspection
and its branches in various localities, the China Council for the
Promotion of International Trade and its branches and other organizations
authorized by the State Department in charge of foreign economic relations
and trade are responsible for signing and issuing certificates of origin
according to the regulations formulated by the State Department in charge
of foreign economic relations and trade.
Article 5
Enterprises established according to law within the territory of the
People's Republic of China and enjoying the rights to conduct foreign
trade, enterprises engaging in processing with supplied materials or
samples, and assembling with supplied parts or in compensation trade, and
foreign-funded enterprises may apply for certificates of origin with the
organizations authorized to sign and issue certificates of origin as
specified in Article 4.
Article 6
The origin of export goods is in the People's Republic of China if
the export goods meet one of the following criteria:
(1) Products made or manufactured fully in the People's Republic of
China, including:
1) mineral products extracted from the territory and the continental
shelves of the People's Republic of China;
2) plants and their products harvested or collected within the
territory of the People's Republic of China;
3) animals and their products multiplied or bred within the territory
of the People's Republic of China;
4) products obtained from hunting or fishing within the territory of
the People's Republic of China;
5) the aquatic and other products or their processed products
obtained from the sea by ships or other means of the People's Republic of
6) wastes and waste materials recycled in the course of production
and processing within the territory of the People's Republic of China and
other discarded and waste materials collected within the territory of the
People's Republic of China;
7) products made or processed fully from the above-mentioned products
and other non-import raw materials within the territory of the People's
Republic of China.
(2) Products containing imported materials or spare parts finished or
processed mainly within the territory of the People's Republic of China,
thus making substantial alterations in the appearance, nature, state or
purposes of the imported materials or spare parts. The list of procedures
of manufacture and process shall be formulated and adjusted by the State
Department in charge of foreign economic relations and trade in
consultation with departments concerned of the State Council according to
the principle of taking the manufacturing and processing procedured as the
main body supplemented by the proportion of composition.
Article 7
The export goods for which the certificates of origin are applied and
issued should meet the criteria of the place of origin. Certificate
issuing organ shall refuse to sign and issue certificates of origin to
goods that not meet the required criteria.
Article 8
The procedures for applying for the issuing certificates of origin
shall be worked out by the State Department in charge of foreign economic
relations and trade.
Article 9
The State Department in charge of foreign economic relations and
trade shall, in accordance with the proposals submitted by the departments
in charge of foreign economic relations and trade of the people's
governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and cities under the
direct administration of the Central Government, make out punishments,
including circulated criticism, suspending or even revoking the
certificates of origin to enterprises, which commit one of the following
actions in violation of the provisions of the Rules:
(1) provide fake materials to obtain certificates of origin by
(2) forge or alter the certificates of origin; and
(3) illegally assign the certificates of origin.
The person or persons in charge of the enterprise and those directly
responsib le for the afore-said actions shall be given administrative
punishments and if the cases are serious enough to form a crime, the
criminal responsibility shall be affixed.
Article 10
If the certificate signing and issuing organizations sign and issue
or refuse to issue certificates of origin in violation of the provisions
of the Rules, the State Department in charge of foreign economic relations
and trade shall, on its own or according to the proposals of the
departments in charge of foreign economy and trade of the people's
governments of various provinces, autonomous regions and cities under the
direct administration of the Central Government, give them criticism or
suspend their rights to sign and issue certificates of origin.
Personnel of certificate signing and issuing organizations who try to
seek personal gains by resorting to cheating or abusing their power or
committing dereliction of duty shall be given administrative punishments
and if the cases are serious enough to form a crime, the criminal
responsibilities shall be affixed.
Article 11
The issuing of certificate of origin under the generalized
preferential system shall be handled according to the rules of origin of
the countries giving preferential treatment.
If there are special provisions on the issuing of the certificates of
origin in the bilateral agreements signed by the government of the
People's Republic of China with foreign governments, the provisions of the
agreements shall be followed.
Article 12
The State Department in charge of foreign economic relations and
trade shall formulate measures for implementation according to the
provisions of the Rules.
Article 13
The right of interpretation of the Rules rests with the State
Department in charge of foreign economic relations and trade.
Article 14
The Rules shall come into effect from May 1, 1992.

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中华人民共和国主席 李先念






市 长 刘大群

















  第一条 为了加强城市市容市貌管理,根据国务院《城市市容和环境卫生管理条例》、《河北省城市市容和环境卫生条例》等规定,结合本市实际,制定本规定。

  第二条 本规定适用于本市市区。

  第三条 本规定所称门前责任区管理,是指市区主次干道两侧、主要街巷临街所有的机关、团体、部队、企事业单位、个体经营者、居民(以下简称责任单位),负责保持其门前责任区的卫生整洁、绿化完好和秩序良好(以下简称门前三包)的责任制度。

  第四条 门前责任区范围按下列规定划分:



  第五条 市城市管理行政执法局(以下简称市城管执法局)是门前责任制的主管部门,负责门前责任制的监督、检查、协调、评比、执法等工作。



  第六条 责任单位应当明确专人负责门前责任制的实施,按时完成各项任务,并接受市城管执法局的监督检查和街道办事处(乡、镇政府)的指导。

  第七条 实施门前责任制应当签订门前三包责任书。市城管执法局应每年与市管街道责任单位、县市城管部门应每年与其他街道责任单位签订门前三包责任书。

  第八条 责任单位应当依照下列规定,负责保持门前责任区卫生整洁:






  第九条 责任单位应当依照下列规定,负责保持门前责任区绿化完好:






  第十条 责任单位应当依照下列规定,负责保持门前责任区秩序良好:




  第十一条 责任单位在门前责任区范围内,发现其他单位或个人违反门前责任制规定的,应当加以劝阻和制止;劝阻和制止无效的,应及时报告市城管执法局,并协助处理。

  第十二条 责任单位违反本规定,不履行门前三包责任的,由市城管执法局责令停止违法行为,限期改正,并依据《河北省城市市容和环境卫生条例》等规定,依法予以行政处罚。

  第十三条 机关、团体、部队、企事业单位等责任单位,违反门前三包责任制规定的,除由市城管执法局依法予以行政处罚外,并按下列规定处理:




  第十四条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可以自接到行政处罚决定书之日起六十日内向市人民政府申请行政复议,或在三个月内直接向人民法院提起行政诉讼。

  第十五条 任何单位和个人有权监督门前责任制的落实,对不认真履行门前责任制的单位以及管理部门的失职行为,可向市城管执法局举报。

  第十六条 市城管执法局应当建立举报制度,应在接到举报之日起十日内对举报内容核查处理,并将处理结果通知举报人。

  第十七条 市城管执法局工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或者上级机关给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  第十八条 本规定自公布之日起施行。

